The Center for Procurement Excellence is pleased to announce a free interactive web series, “Ask of the RFP Doctor”. In this first-of-its-kind virtual discussion, procurement experts provide practical advice in addressing today’s purchasing, supply chain, and acquisition challenges. Here’s how it works:

• Teaching Moment (15 minutes): the RFP Doctor will kick things off with a brief presentation targeted at a specific topic

• CPE Virtual Peer Group (30 minutes): next, we will split up into small groups and give attendees an opportunity to network with each other and have a discussion on a relevant topic. Learn More

• Ask the RFP Doctor – Office Hours (15 minutes or until the questions run out!): we’ll come back together for an open Q&A session.  Have a challenging RFP ahead?  Have a unique situation?  Bring your questions and let’s get it figured out!

Third Thursdays of every month starting at 12:00pm Central

Register For Ask The RFP Doctor Event

We will send you your personal admission credentials via email.

Upcoming Ask the RFP Doctor Events

Add them to your Calendar!



Using the Request for Solution (RFS)

RFS or “Challenge RFPs” are becoming more popular – but how do they work, in reality? We will illustrate the RFS process via several real examples. Come learn more about this powerful solicitation approach!



Release Control (and get Better Projects!)

Allowing suppliers to create their own scope can be beneficial for some project types. But how can we do this fairly & legally in the context of public procurement rules which require an apples-to-apples competition? Join our session to find out – and learn from multiple real examples where this has been done successfully!



How to Run a Concensus Meeting

Consensus meetings are a golden opportunity to uphold (or abandon!) the principles of a fair, open, and transparent evaluation process. How can procurement professionals avoid the pitfalls and manage consensus meetings more effectively?



Write a Shorter Scope!

When it comes to the scope that is published in your RFPs, longer is *NOT* always better! Let’s discuss the pitfalls of scope documents that are too long. Then we’ll share the secrets to writing a shorter scope – including what to focus on and why this leads to better project results!

CPE Virtual Peer Groups

CPE’s Virtual Peer Groups provide attendees an opportunity to network in one of four areas below. We’ll provide a suggested topic, and invite attendees to provide feedback and advice with each other.

Peer GroupDescription
Leadership of Procurement GroupsCPOs, Procurement Leaderships, Executives
IT ProcurementAll things IT including software, hardware, system integrator, and more
Capital Projects & Alternative DeliveryStrategies for large design and construction, including best practices for new alternative delivery methods (DB, PDB, CMAR/CMGC, IPD, P3)
Procurement ProcessesStatements of Work, Evaluations, Interviews, Clarification, Partnering


Last Months Webinar