Organizing Your Next RFP For Procurement Excellence
Webinar Description:
Writing a Request for Proposal (RFP) can seem difficult and time-consuming, but selecting the best vendor team is one of the most important steps in delivering a successful project outcome. This webinar will discuss the elements that make a “High-Performing RFP.” These elements will not only help you approach your next RFP with confidence and ease but also increase your ability to attract the best vendors to your projects.
Learning Objectives:
• Foundations of RFP Excellence: Open, Fair, Transparent, Value, and Integrity
• The Importance of Speed: Faster Procurements can be Better Procurements
• Structure and Content of High Performing RFPs
• Take Charge: Client-Defined Submission Forms lead to Better Proposals
• Becoming a “Client of Choice” that attracts High Performing Vendors to your Projects